Latest News for July

Latest News


Class schedule during the resumption of K3 classes:

1. Children needed to measure their body temperature before returning to school, mark it on a temperature measurement record with parents’ signature and return it to school every day.

2. After children were brought to teachers at the stairs, the teachers guided them to disinfect their shoes in front of the school entrance.

3. Then, the school measured the temperature of the child and sprayed silver ion sterilization on them.

4. Children were brought into the classroom by teachers.

Class arrangements during the resumption of K3 classes:

1. Young children have their lessons in small groups (eight to nine people per group) which were arranged to independent classrooms.

2. Parents were asked to prepare a stationary box of their own for the children.

3. Children were reminded to maintain a social distance of about 1 meter (avoid gathering).

4. Children were assigned to line up and visit the bathroom in batches.

5. Children must wash their hands thoroughly, wear a mask and keep a certain distance among each other before and after each activity.

6. Children were split into groups for dismissal.

7. Parents had to queue up in the staircase while maintaining safe social distance. Every ten parents/adults took turns to pick up their children from the classroom and had to leave through the fire door. In addition, the management office was very cooperative with the school and disinfected the disinfected the stair handrails and cleaned the stairs (including cleaning cigarette butts and water stains). Student attendance was 100 per cent after class resumption.

In response to the severe outbreak of Covid-19, the K3 group gathering which was originally scheduled for July 11 (Saturday) morning is canceled with the consent of the superintendent.
K1 and K2 students’ learning pro-folios and certificates were distributed on 14 and 15 July respectively (parents/adults collected them at school by themselves).
In response to the repeated outbreak of COVID-19, the school encourages students to actively participate in online interactive learning such that students’ learning can be progressed despite the suspension of classes.  The school will notify parents about the online learning arrangements.
School air conditioners are cleaned on 29 and 30 July.


— 高班復課期間的上課安排:
1. 每天幼兒回校前需要量度體温,並帶備已有家長簽署的量度體温記錄表回校。
2. 幼兒到達學校樓梯交給老師後,由老師帶領幼兒於校門前先
3. 再由老師為幼兒量度體温和噴銀離子殺菌消毒水。
4. 最後由老師帶幼兒進課室。
1. 幼兒以小組形式上課/每組(8-9人)安排獨立課室上課。
2. 請家長為幼兒自備筆盒。
3. 提醒幼兒之間保持約1米社交距離(避免聚集)。
4. 安排幼兒分批排隊前往洗手間。
5. 進行活動前、後,幼兒均須清潔雙手、佩戴口罩及保持一定
6. 採用分流式下課。
7. 在梯間作安全社交距離排隊,每 10 位家長/成人輪流上課室
出席率為 100%。
— 因應新冠肺炎疫情開始嚴峻,原訂 7 月 11 日(星期六)早上進行的高班小組聚會,經校監同意,取消是次活動。
— 幼兒班和低班分別在 7 月 14 日和 15 日派發學生歷程檔案及獎狀等(家長/成人自由到校領取)。
— 因應疫情反覆,校方鼓勵同學們積極參加線上互動學習,達致停課不停學,校方將個別通知家長有關線上學習安排。
— 7月29日及30日學校清洗冷氣。

August Latest News

On 20 July, the Education Bureau announced that classes cannot be started before 17 August due to the currently severe epidemic.

On 3 August, the Education Bureau announced that all schools were free to decide on the school commencement date, but schools are not allowed to offer face-to-face courses. Therefore, the opening day of the Nursery for the year 2020-2021 is scheduled for 17 August.